Refurbished Apple iPod Classic 5th Generation 30GB - Black, C
Technical Specifications:
320 by 240 pixels
Holds up to 7,500 songs in 128-Kbps AAC format
Holds approximately 25,000 iPod-viewable photos
Audio formats supported: AAC (16 to 320 Kbps), Protected AAC (from iTunes Store), MP3 (16 to 320 Kbps), MP3 VBR, Audible (formats 2, 3, and 4), Apple Lossless, AIFF, and WAV.
H.264 video, up to 768 Kbps, 320 by 240 pixels, 30 frames per second, Baseline Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats
MPEG-4 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 480 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Simple Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats